" Whilst Stock Lasts!
" Whilst Stock Lasts!
2025 New Bits
4" and 41/2" Pony bits
61/2" and 7" Bits - Extra Large size bits
Accessories inc Latex Bit Wrap etc
Brands of bits
Combinations / Hackamores
Dee Rings
Driving / Liverpools
Full Cheeks inc Fulmers Dressage and non dressage.
Gags - American, Dutch, Nelson, etc
Hanging Cheek in all styles
In House Leather Work
Last Years New Bits
Nosebands inc Lever, Elastic, Kinetons etc
Pelhams / Kimblewicks inc short shanks etc
Polo Bits
Snaffles inc dressage legal and non dressage
Specialised Bits / Elevators / Butterfly Flips etc
Tongue Issues