Dutch Gag with one ring below - Shop

Prices include Vat at the current rate.

Should the bit or size you require not be listed please contact us and we will check with the supplier and let you know if it is in stock.

It is impossible to stock every bit  which is why we only show what we have at present bar the odd mistake!


In the manufacture of bits with mouthpieces made of a softer material such as Copper, Rubber, Vulcanite, Nathe, Nylon,Happy Mouth, Flexi etc, the components are of the highest quality and have been tested extensively.

If the mouthpiece is faulty it will be replaced. However, mouthpieces that are chewed, ill-fitted or placed under unnatural force or pressure can often result in premature wear or other damage which the supplier cannot be held responsible.

Products In This Category:

Showing 1 - 40 of 40 results
Stainless Steel Three Ring with Lozenge
Ideal for strong horses that lean. Please allow 4/6 weeks.
Mullen mouthpiece on a three ring also available in a four ring
Available in rubber or vulcanite.
Slightly stronger than the swivel please allow 6 weeks for other sizes
The New Konnex port, slimmer than the original port.
Please check to see if in stock prior to ordering
Blue Sweet Iron Three Ring with Lozenge
Loose ring happy tongue Two ring gag
Bombers 2 Ring Eggbutt with Control Plate
The Eggbutt cheekpiece prevents pinching of the lips and give a slightly more solid feel against the side of the face. It also prevents the bit being pulled through the mouth. The release is slower and also introduces some poll pressure.
Bombers Elliptical 2.5 Ring Eggbutt
Dever Apple Mouth Jointed Three Ring
Thick sweet iron mouthpiece that tapers down.
This brand comes with the 5" cheek being the same as the 51/2" unlike the Shires brand
Back in stock!
Normally £45.95
Flexible mouthpiece - ideal for sensitive mouthed horses . The new price of these bits will be £248.00 and therefore we will not be carrying stock here in the shop and will order in when required.
These will be available in two thickness 18mm and 20mm
Shires Blue Sweet Iron with Roller Link
Shires Nylon 2 Ring with Peanut
NB the 5" would come with smaller rings , the Dever brand 5" will come with standard cheek size.
Other sizes £124.50
normally £85.00
Stubben Golden Wings 3 Ring Gag
Please allows 10 days to come in depending if in stock with supplier.
Please allow 10 days for other sizes to come in depending if in stock with supplier.
Waterford Dutch gag with one ring below