Tom Thumb inc ribs and rollers - Shop

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Sweet Iron Tom Thumb Gags with ribs and rollers are neat but effective bits. Due to the popularity of these bits more sizes are available right up to 61/2". For these bits to be effective always make sure that the copper ribs are pronnounced on the mouthpiece.
The word Tom Thumb in bitting terms means small cheeks. There are the Tom Thumb Weymouths and Pelhams and these would both have the small neat cheeks.

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This style of bit gives the rider two options - more effective with ribs facing or milder with the smooth side facing.
Dever Stainless Steel with copper lozenge Tom Thumb
Plain Sweet Iron Tom Thumb
Shires Brass Alloy Waterford Tom Thumb
Shires Thin Nylon Jointed Tom Thumb
Tom Thumb Gag with a copper lozenge.
Lozenge Tom Thumb Gag