Non Dressage Legal inc Swivel, Beval,Twisted etc - Shop

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Only available in 61/2"
Less baulky version of a Waterford mouthpiece. please contact before ordering for availibilty.
The side-bars of the James Bit exert pressure against the side of the face. The bit is sometimes used when side reining horses and is also popular for trotting or pacing. Please allow 4 weeks to be made up.
please contact for availability
Similar to a Waterford in that it has a very mobile mouthpiece
Available in 51/2" and 51/4"
Available in both open and tight.
Tom Snaffle
Snaffle with two off set mouthpieces
NRP £129.95
Unique design with a roller in the middle of the lozenge NNP £110.00
For the strong horse that needs a little tongue bit - please allow 3 weeks for this to come into stock
Can be used with smooth side or with ribs and rollers facing
Dexter Ring
Eggbutt Dr Bristol
Flexi Mullen Loose Ring
Flexi Mullen Loose Ring
Ideal for horses that dont take the contact.
A fairly strong bit.
Can be used either way due to the innovative mouthpiece design.
Shires Blue Sweet Iron Loose Ring with Lozenge
Shires Equikind Mullen Eggbutt
Stallion Horseshoe Cheek Mullen Inhand Bit
Ideal if you need to lighten a horse up a little.
Golden Wings Bit